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Intel Media Technology for the
Microsoft Software Development Kit for Java*

Intel Realistic Display Mixer and Intel 3D Realistic Sound Experience
Take Your Java Applications to the Next Level

Intel Realistic Display Mixer (RDX) Technology
High Performance Graphics
Available Now

Create visually stunning PC applications and games with this software development kit. Intel Realistic Display Mixer (RDX) technology provides high-performance, object-based programming support for interactive multimedia objects including animation and video.

Intel RDX Version 3.0 enables developers to easily add high-performance animation to Java applets. Its high-level interface is easy to use yet robust enough to develop feature-rich animation with real-time special effects.

Intel Realistic Display Mixer:

  • High performance engine for fast display mixing of 2D graphics, animation, and video.
  • Standard COM interface with Java class libraries.
  • Tuned for top performance on Pentium® and Pentium Pro processors.
  • Comprehensive development kit includes samples, source code, and documentation.
  • Designed to take advantage of MMX™ media enhancement technology.
The Intel Realistic Display Mixer Software Development Kit provides a high-level interface that helps you accelerate the development of multimedia tools, applications, and games. It allows you to focus your development energy on content creation rather than on the mechanics of interfacing system components.

For more information or to download Intel Realistic Display Mixer
visit the RDX web site.

Intel 3D Realistic Sound Experience (3D RSX) Technology
High Performance True 3D Sound

Now you can create PC applications with sound so realistic your users will have to hear it to believe it. Intel 3D Realistic Sound Experience (3D RSX) supersedes stereo, stereo enhancers, surround sound and simple panning. Whether you're developing virtual environments or highly realistic web pages, 3D RSX lets you accurately position multiple sounds in 3D space. Objects sound as if they're above you, behind you, to the left, to the right and more. And thanks to sophisticated features such as built-in reverberation, variable pitch and Doppler effects, you can produce the rumble of a train in a tunnel, the revving of an engine, the whizzing of a car speeding by, and more. Intel 3D RSX is sound technology which brings audio realism to Java applets by approximating "real world" audio cues such as location, distance, and environmental effects.

3D Realistic Sound Experience:

  • Realistic, positional 3D sound with equal quality over speakers or headphones, through Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) technology and open speaker cross-cancellation.
  • Ready for the Internet—supports URL-based sound sources, Java, streaming and VRML 2.0.
  • Versatile—with a choice of high-level COM interfaces for ease of use or low-level interfaces for greater control.
  • Accepts MIDI-based sound emitters.
  • Tuned for top performance on Pentium and Pentium Pro processors.
  • Powerfully designed to take advantage of MMX media enhancement technology.
  • Enhanced developers kit includes auto-configuration, runtime setup, samples, and documentation.
With features that support:
  • Positional Sound Localization—Ability to position sound in space relative to the user.
  • Reverberation—Enables the modeling of room acoustics and simulation of sound effects that occur in a confined space.
  • Doppler Effects—On-the-fly calculation in the change in frequency of a sound wave resulting from the relative motion of the sound source and the listener.
  • Pitch Control—The pitch of a tone can be altered to create effects such as acceleration or fadeout.
  • MIDI support—MIDI files as well as digital audio can be used for audio content.
  • Standard COM interface with Java class libraries.
  • Scalable technology designed for the Pentium processor.
3D RSX is a complete 3 dimensional software audio rendering library and is available today.

For more information or to download Intel 3D Realistic Sound Experience
visit the 3D RSX web site.

For information on other Intel Media Technologies for developers
please visit our Developer Web Site.

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